Najniżej położony maraton świata wygrywają…


Najniżej położony maraton świata wygrywają…

Opublikowane w pon., 07/01/2019 - 09:54

W weekend poznaliśmy mistrzów Izraela w maratonie. Ciekawostką była trasa mistrzostw – położona… ponad 200 metrów poniżej poziomu morza.

Mistrzostwa rozegrano w ramach Tiberias Marathon na północy kraju. Trasa biegu prowadzi wzdłuż Jeziora Tyberiadzkiego (Galilejskiego) – największego zbiornika słodkowodnego w Izraelu. Lustro wody położone jest 212 metrów poniżej poziomu morza. To najniżej położona trasa maratońska na świecie.

Dla porównania, najwyżej rozgrywanym maratonem świata jest Tenzing Hillry Everest Marathon - trasa maratonu zaczyna się w Base Campie na wysokości 5 364 m n.p.m. a kończy w Namche Bazar na poziomie 3 446 m n.p.m.

Mistrzami Izraela w Maratonie A. D. 2019 zostali Aimro Alamia (2:15:16 – uzyskane krajowe minimum na MŚ w Doha) oraz Beatie Deutsch (2:42:00) – 29-latka, matka piątki dzieci, blogerka, która zaczęła biegać dopiero 3 lata temu. Mistrzowski bieg był dopiero jej trzeciem startem na królewskim dystansie, a jednocześnie najszybszym w karierze.


I honestly have no words to describe my race today in the Holy City of Teveria. Finished first, Israeli national champion, and in a time I never dreamed of 2:42!!! I always go into every race knowing Hashem is with me, but I felt His presence so strongly, I was wrapped in His loving embracing. This past week I've been listening to an amazing class from my mentor Rabbi Kelemen about tapping into our potential and realizing what we are capable of. Because at the end of the day we are put in this world to achieve a mission, and it's not just about we are meant to accomplish it's also about the bigger picture we are each part of, in revealing Hashem's glory in this world. Today's race was an opportunity for me to be that ambassador and reflect the gifts Hashem has given me. It was also an incredible lesson of Never Giving Up Hope and the power we have when we believe in ourselves. Going in to the race I was pretty confident I could finish as the national champion. I knew there was only one other female competitor signed up and I had a pretty good shot at beating her. As I reached the half-way point, I was surprised to see another women already coming back...and I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. Well, I guess today is not going to be day I thought with a bit of disappointment. I recognized the woman as another outstanding Israeli athlete, a previous national champion who already did 2:37 this year. Although I felt bad about letting everyone down, I quickly tried to shift my perspective and focus on giving it my all and just doing the best job I could. I had been conservative the first half, and after reaching the half way point I decided to pick up the pace because I had nothing to lose. The 3rd woman had dropped behind and now I was on my own. I started running faster, trying to see if I could catch up to the next person in front. In my head I wondered whether I would be able to maintain the pace and whether it was too crazy. Instead I kept repeating, "Hashem is with my every step of the way, anything is possible." At that point, I told myself that I'm not ready to give up on the race yet and it's not over until the finish line. (Continued in comments)

Post udostępniony przez Beatie Deutsch (@marathonmother)

Źródło: Jerusalem Post

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